BL Christian Union


Friendly, unimposing place to explore the person they call "Jesus"

Welcome! We're the Christian Union!

We are a group of students whose primary aim is to give every person on our campus the opportunity to hear and respond to the amazing gospel of Jesus Christ. 

Maybe you've grown up in a Christian family and have a great understanding of the gospel. Maybe you've never even heard of this 'gospel'. Whoever you are, whatever you believe, whatever your background, we love you and are excited to have you join us! One thing you'll notice about us is how diverse we are. Not one of us share the same background or the exact same experiences but we are united in Christ.

We are so excited to be able to meet in person again - our main meetings are on Thursdays from 5:30-7:00pm, where we gather in Garrod to worship, read the Bible, discuss, and pray for each other. We'll also be holding other exciting events throughout the year!

Drop us a DM on our Instagram and Facebook pages for information on how to get involved.

BL Christian Union Elections 24/25 committee

Voting in the next committee of Barts and The London Christian Union.

8 posts are up for election.

The polls have closed.

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