Surgical Society



Whether you're already certain of a career in surgery and are working towards building your portfolio, or are simply exploring your options and would like to learn more about this fulfilling career, BL Surgical Society is here to help! 

Foundation programmes have recently undergone significant changes in educational structure and content towards more primary and community-based specialties – a necessary shift that has also been adopted by medical schools across the country. As a result, the BL Surgical Society committee believes it has become particularly important for surgical representatives at medical schools to ensure that alternative routes and opportunities are available to students considering a career in surgery, as well as others looking to prepare for foundation years and develop key procedural skills necessary across all disciplines.

Throughout the year, BL Surgical Society will be running a range of surgical skills workshops, journal club sessions to promote surgical research, mentorship schemes for a more personalised surgical experience, careers oriented talks by guest surgeons, and more!

Membership Purchase Options 

  • Barts/ QM students: Surgical Society Standard Membership
  • Alumni, Staff, students from other UK higher education institutuions: Surgical Society Associate Membership

Find us on our social media platforms via our LinkTree, or email us at if you have any questions!


BL Surgical Society Committee 2023/24

  • Presidents: Lucy Harriss & Rajan Chand
  • Treasurer: Vivian Paraskevi Papatzanaki
  • Careers Lead: Zuzanna Sypula
  • Conference Lead: Khaw Yi Lun
  • Skills Lead: Jordanna 
  • General Secretary: Nicole Lee
  • Academic and Anatomy Officer: Amelia Hasnizam
  • Women in Surgery Rep: Sanjali Ahuja
  • Publicity Officers: Dominique Lee & Rebeca Snopekova
  • Clinical Rep: Christianna Petmeza
  • Pre-clinical Rep: Elena Lee
  • Charity & Welfare Rep: Amelia Hobbs

BL Surgical Society Elections 24/25

This is BL Surgical Society's Elections for the academic year of 2024/25. To be eligible to run you will need to have this years membership and be a student at BL.

11 posts are up for election.

The polls have closed, and results have been published.

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