Take time out for prayer and contemplation. The Students' Union has a large Multi-Faith Centre at both Mile End & Whitechapel providing space where people of different faiths can come together.


The Students’ Union is committed to encouraging religious understanding and shared faith experiences, whilst providing spaces where people of different faiths can come together and meet for prayer, contemplation and reflection. We provide Multi-Faith spaces at the Mile End and Whitechapel campuses, and also run an Interfaith Forum that provides faith societies the opportunity to meet and raise any issues relating to faith at Queen Mary. Additional faith provision is provided by the University.

What does faith mean to you?

Queen Mary Students’ Union wanted to talk about the way people feel about their faith, watch our video where we've asked a group of student on what it means to them.

Watch video
Multi-Faith Centre

The Multi-Faith Centre is located on the second floor of the Students' Union Hub and provides a space for quiet reflection, contemplation and prayer for students and University staff.

The Multi-Faith Centre is managed by the Students' Union and consists of two rooms, a lobby and ablution areas. The rooms are assigned to particular faiths and faith groups at different times. This timetable is decided in consultation with faith societies and varies according to the time of year. During Open Prayer times, the rooms can be used by all students and staff of Queen Mary University of London for quiet reflection, contemplation and prayer.

If you would like more information, please email us at su-qmsu.reception@qmul.ac.uk.

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University Faith Services

Queen Mary University of London provides information about a range of faith services offered at the University on its website

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Interfaith Forum

Our Interfaith Forum provides faith societies with the opportunity to raise any issues surrounding faith at the University, work together on interfaith initiatives, provide feedback on use of the Multi-Faith Centre and discuss the suitability of the Multi-Faith Centre timetable.

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