


Queen Mary Climbing is one of the oldest clubs at the university to date. We are highly focused on outdoor activities and aim to go on multiple outdoor trips throughout the year, with supervision from our experienced committee. Trip locations include; Sheffield/Peaks District, the Portland Cliffs, Dartmoor National Park and Fontainebleau Forest in France. 

We would love to have all of you climb with us! It doesn't matter if this is your first time climbing and want to find your first pair of climbing shoes or you've been doing this for years and want to send hard routes outdoors -- you are always welcome. 

Whilst we do love climbing outdoors, we still do lots of indoor bouldering and roped climbing. We're keeping up with the changing rock climbing culture and the competition scene due to the advent of national and international climbing competitions in recent years. Our club competes in BUCS, which is an inter-university climbing competition, as well as LUBE, the London University Bouldering Event (great name, we know). If you have some previous experience with climbing feel free to try out for a spot on our team! We typically have an eight-person team that trains about once a week, but anyone looking for some structured climbing training is welcome to attend those sessions too!

QMC is incredibly welcoming and all of our current members are very friendly, some still being new to climbing and some being lifelong climbers. It's super easy to meet other QMC members by attending our sessions three times a week at Mile End Climbing Wall (Monday - 5pm, Wednesday - 3pm, Friday - 5pm). Our sessions are super casual, we roam around the gym, chat on the mats, drink coffee, fall off the walls, and usually head to the pub for a pint afterwards!

Joining Queen Mary Climbing is a great way to start a new sport to get physically fit, meet new people, go on great trips and, most importantly, have lots of fun!


Taster Sessions

This semester's taster sessions will take place on the 25th and 27th of September at 3pm at Mile End Climbing Wall! If you're interested, please fill out this form. Follow our insta (@qmcinsta) and join our WhatsApp group chat! (link below) to get in contact with us.



Weekly training:

  • Mile End Climbing Wall on Monday and Friday at 5 pm and Wednesday at 3 pm

  • Impromptu trips to other climbing gyms around London

We climb three times a week as a group, mostly at Mile End Climbing Wall, which is a 5 minute walk from campus. Sessions are very informal and definitely not compulsory, we just organise them to have a specific time to meet and regularly go out after climbing.



  • BUCS

  • LUBE (London University Bouldering Event)

Not all members will participate: we’ll hold selection processes closer to the dates of the competitions.


How to get Involved:

  1. Join the Whatsapp group or our Instagram page to stay up to date, we'll announce events and upcoming climbing sessions on there so look out for those!

  2. Purchase your membership - at the Hub (Mile End), BLSA reception (Whitechapel) or online on the Student Union website.

  3. Climb with us!



The cost of our membership includes:

  • Access to our equipment! (we have ropes, harnesses, chalk, slacklines, portable hangboards, camping equipment, etc.)

  • A spot on our trips! All membership fees directly subsidise the cost of these trips too.

  • Free instructional sessions! We'll teach you the basics of top rope and lead climbing and help you improve your bouldering technique. 

  • Attending our socials! Everyone is welcome to come to our climbing sessions, but we do ask that you're a member if you want to attend our more exclusive social events (e.g., roped pub crawl, fancy nights, inter-uni climbing ball, etc.)

  • Competition entry (we have little unofficial ones too)

If you are unable to afford aspects of climbing, such as buying a pair of climbing shoes or other equipment, please get in touch with us. QMC will support your application to QMSU for the Financial Support Fund, which subsidises costs associated with sport participation.

Note that the membership does not include membership to any climbing walls, as they are external facilities. A list of the prices of Mile End Climbing Wall (our home gym) can be found here: We also visit other gyms from time to time, like The Castle, Bethwall, Stronghold London Fields, The Rise, and more. 


2023/24 Committee

President - Natalia Frazier (

Vice President - Siobhan Towey

Treasurer - Juan David Pachon Corredor

Social Secretaries - Joe O'Shea, Lucy Meadowcroft, Louis Agranoff

Welfare Officer - Ed Black

Social Media Secretary - Elizabeth Diffey

No elections are currently running

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