
Qmul hema! (Historical European Martial Arts) Swordfighting!


Want to learn how to swing and fight with swords just as people did back in the medieval times? Hema (Historical European martial arts) is just that: the study of medieval manucripts and learning how people fought back in the day and using it to win against an opponent. From the early shortsword and buckler of the 1300s up till the recent officer sabers in the gunpowder era. 

QM HEMA  aims to have you try out this dangerous sport you always wanted to try in a safe and friendly environment. We will provide you with all of the equipment you need and will help you improve yourself. However, if you are intrested in further learning, we would offer buying advice and clubs outside of uni for you to become the next HEMA champion!


Taster Sessions

Since this is a brand new club recent founded, our taster sessions would be the first session you attend, afterwards you would require a membership to enter.


Qmotion sports hall Wendsday 9:30 to 11:30 am (enter through Qmotion entrance). These are our offical times, for which we have access to the full Hall. If you cannot attend don't worry, we have many unofficial sessions either in the sports hall or outside, including regular Saturday ones.

The membership includes all equipment needed (though there is an option if you want to use your own). This includes swords, protective equipment and everything else you may need including a full year of sessions! 


We have this year begun to send out our more experienced members to national HEMA competitions!

We host in-club tournaments as well where you can test your skill against fellow club-members. These tournaments have entrance fees that go towards prizes for the winners

Coaching and Teaching

Since we are a new club, funding is limmited so our committee have learnt from outside clubs or self taught. We will teach to the best of our ability. 

How to get involved

  1. Join the whatsapp, we have many many extra sessions on top of our official ones and we will post them there:  (https://chat.whatsapp.com/IHGc6M6znk77eoM558ZkVy)
  2. Attend our taster sessions. 
  3. Purchase your subs online or in person at the SU hub.
  4. Enjoy! Take part in our sessions, and learn outside too!


Contact details


President Tiger ex21649@qmul.ac.uk
Treasurer Ege Zal ap21086@qmul.ac.uk
Vice-President Usayd ap22062@qmul.ac.uk
Captain Tamer


Event and Social Media Coordinator Bathila & Salka




No elections are currently running

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