Postgraduate Fortnight

Celebrating our Masters & PhD Students

Monday 7th - Friday 18th June

Welcome to Postgraduate Fortnight! For two weeks from 7th - 18th June we will be celebrating our Master’s and PhD community with a range of events especially designed for our students on these programmes. We recognise that the Students’ Union has struggled to engage with Postgraduate Taught and Postgraduate Research Students and we hope this celebration will be the first step in a renewed effort to create new activities and events designed for all our students.

We have been working with our PGT (postgraduate taught) and PGR (postgraduate research) representatives, as well as with the Doctoral College and other University staff to produce a variety of events for you. As restrictions ease, we have planned several in person opportunities for you to come onto campus and socialise with your peers as we appreciate some of you might never have visited our campuses! We have also set up a range of online events for you to enjoy from the comfort of your own home where you will be able to network, learn something new and engage with interesting discussions.

Finally, don’t forget to keep an eye on our social media channels (@qmsu) as we will be posting content there too, including profiles from our postgraduate alumni; Instagram takeovers with current postgrad students highlighting a day in the life of a postgrad; and we will also be doing a virtual campus tour! Make sure to visit our campuses if you’re able as during this fortnight you will be eligible for a 20% discount in all our outlets! We cannot wait to see you there.

Tiana Dinard-Samuel (Vice President Communities)
Cameron Storey
(Vice President Humanities and Social Sciences)

Watch our welcome video

Events Spotlight

Here are a few of the events we have planned for you to check out this fortnight. For the full range of events, check out our events page.

Employable Me: In conversation with Danial Naqvi

Employable Me is back and this time especially designed for postgrads! Come join us with our special guest alumni Danial Naqvi, joint University of Melbourne PhD research at Alliance Manchester Business School, who will be exploring networks and networking, and how to create, maintain and leverage a strong network to generate opportunities. Find out more

Diverse(ish): The Postgrad Gap

Diverse(ish) is an anti-racist forum open to both students and staff. We will be discussing the experiences of people of colour doing PhDs as well as exploring the barriers and deterrents leading to the gap of POC in research degrees. We will be joined by two guest speakers: Rianna Walcott, researcher at KCL and founder of The Myopia Project; and Dr Hannah Marie Robbins, cultural historian and Assistant Professor at the University of Nottingham. Find out more

Campus Cake

The Doctoral College has organised opportunities throughout the fortnight for you to have some free cake and socialise with your peers. Why not take a break from your research and pop over to three of our London campuses for a slice?


We have developed a few workshops to help support you. You should check out the Doctoral College’s ‘So, you wanna do a PhD?’ if you are thinking about postgraduate research study. The library is also hosting a general drop-in session, as well as putting on an Academic Skills workshop on how to get started on your Master's Dissertation so make sure to register!

Study Well Events

We have collaborated with Study Well to bring you a few different activities. We know that some of you will be hard at work doing research while others will be trying to complete their dissertations. At Tea and Walk you will be able get a free drink before taking a stroll with your peers, and at our plant giveaway you can pick something up to brighten up your workspace! Find out more

see all events