Football (Women)


In the 2023/24 season, our aim for the club is to develop all player's abilities and provide people an opportunity to train and compete. We hope to provide an environment where members can not only play football, but also make friends and socially engage. At QMWFC we offer the following:

  • 1st Team: Our 1st team competes in the BUCS South Eastern Tier 3 and LUSL league. Additionally, we compete in the South Eastern conference cup. Matches are played on Wednesdays and Sundays.
  • 2nd Team: Our 2nd team competes in the LUSL cup and league. Matches are played on Sundays.
  • Recreational: To provide members the opportunity for extra playing time outside of club games/training, we plan to offer for QMWFC players to put together small teams and enter themselves into small-sided opportunities such as Power League and social leagues.

Socials: As a club, we value opportunities for our members to build team chemistry both on and off the pitch. QMWFC offer regular socials such as Hail Mary, curry nights, bowling and watching professional women's football matches together.


One weekly training session per week at St Paul's Way Trust School.

How do new members join?

  1. Sign up to attend the trial session.
  2. Purchase your subs - at the Hub (Mile End), BLSA reception (Whitechapel) or online.
  3. Enjoy! Take part in the sessions, and compete in the matches.

Personal Fitness

QMSU offers a gym on the Mile End campus, Qmotion, as well as a sister-gym in Charterhouse Square, Fitness to Practice, both with competitive student membership rates. This is ideal for students who want to purchase a gym membership - which is separate from a Club Sport subs - to improve and maintain peak physical fitness.

With every gym membership, you get a free 60 minute one-to-one session with trained instructors which includes:

  • A personalized gym programme tailored to your own fitness goals;
  • A full demonstration of exercise and techniques, and guidance on resistance machines;
  • Information and advice on nutrition;
  • A 60-minute review session every 6-8 weeks to re-evaluate and re-customise a new programme to avoid plateaus.


Committee Members 2023/24

Presidents - Alina Zakrjevsky and Daisy Sheriff

Treasurer - Mihaela Ivanova

1st Team Captain - Paula Fernandez Garrigues

1st Team Vice Captain - Najah Niazi

2nd Team Captain - Bakhtnoor Khan

Social Secretary - Mariana Serpa and Najah Niazi

Welfare Officer - Molly Homer

No elections are currently running

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