Candidate for the position of School of Electronic Engineering & Computer Sciences Representative

Image for Mohammed Raaid Ali

Mohammed Raaid Ali

Who am I? 

Hello everybody, my name is Mohammed Raaid Ali. I’m a first year international Computer Science student and I’d like to run for School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science Rep. I love sport, art and photography and look forward to getting to know all of you.  

I’m motivated to help students tackle issues that are facing them including the current learning environment, having a more normal university experience, mental health and transparency between the School and students.  


Why would I like to run? 

COVID-19 was unprecedented and completely changed how we function day to day. This has been a particularly tough period for University students with the difficult transition from in-person to remote learning and the loss of daily interaction and discussion both socially and academically. Until we return to normality, we must adapt to this change and embrace the current situation and, with the help of the University, I would like to do my part in helping everyone through this and solve the issues facing students.  Being an international student in a new country, although the start of my university journey hasn’t been easy it has opened my eyes to how we might build a more collaborative, social and productive environment for all.  

I’m highly motivated and willing to put maximum effort into ensuring that every student in the School has a voice, feels part of the School’s community and positive change is achieved.  


In my eyes and having spoken to others, some of the major issues' students are facing are: 
  • Having a more interactive learning environment for both local and international students.  I would like to take steps to help builder closer relationships between students and lecturers. In particular, I feel like there are a lot of simple steps (e.g., class introductions and group catch-ups) that would help students and lecturers to start getting to know each other.  

  •  Better timetables and deadlines which go hand in hand with other modules. 

  • Helping Postgraduate students get a more realistic experience and realistic deadlines especially for remote students. 

  • Transparency between the school and the students. Not all students are able to raise their concerns to their advisors, module organizers etc.  I would always be present to hear every student’s concerns and would work hard to convey these to the relevant individuals and ensure they are resolved.  

  • Addressing mental health issues, a lot of us are facing due to lockdown and this anti-social environment.  I would be eager to start a mental health campaign with the Students Union to help students. On a more day to day level, I would seek to encourage more interactions between students, both academically and socially, even if this is virtual.  I feel that this will help students become more comfortable and open up to each other, despite the current challenges.  


I know the issues faced by students go beyond this list.  I am very motivated to speak to as many students as possible to understand the full spectrum of challenges facing, and the thoughts of, the student body.  Please vote for me – I promise I’ll put in my best efforts!