Candidate for the position of Allied Courses Representative

Image for Polen Bareke

Polen Bareke

For Your Allied Courses Representative! Polen Bareke 
  • Ensure equal weighting is given to the views and issues of ALL allied courses students, and not just medics and dentists. 

  • Hold joint drop-in sessions for Allied Courses to listen to students' suggestions and concerns 

  • Start an Allied Course-specific survey to particularly measure the opinions of the Allied courses 

  • Amplify the voices of Allied Courses students at Student Council, BLSA Board and Student-Staff Liaison Committees (SSLC)  


  • Organise online social & academic events to increase cohesion and unity among Allied Courses 

  • Publicise financial and mental health & well-being resources available to students 

  • Lobby with SU officers to increase awareness for Financial Assistance Fund and International Hardship Fund 


  • Work with the staff to reduce the asynchronous workload, giving students manageable tasks for each module every week 

  • Encourage academics to provide online essay writing, CV building workshops 

  • Promote peer-assisted study, where students in upper years help the newer students,  

  • Organise more Allied Courses career fairs and talks given by professionals in the field to raise awareness for the diverse career paths for students  


Contact Details: 

Instagram: polenbareke 
