Candidate for the position of School of Biological & Behavioural Sciences Representative

Image for Sriprasad Aditya Vikram

Sriprasad Aditya Vikram

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Vote for Sriprasad Aditya Vikram as your SBCS Representative 

Hi! My name is Sriprasad Aditya Vikram, and I'm an undergraduate Biomedical Science student hoping to become a Doctor of medicine and work on policy that will positively impact the healthcare system. 

I am currently working on a paper about Epilepsy and mythology and studying if telemedicine has been a viable alternative to in-person consultations during the pandemic. I used to play the piano and love music. I mess around with cars for kicks and try to explore places that have amazing views on views. 

I believe that I would do a great job as your SBCS rep as I love solving problems. I intend to work hard and implement creative solutions to the issues that arise, issues that may otherwise hinder our university careers in these unique times and create an atmosphere that will improve your post-pandemic experience at QMUL. 


The Objectives 
  • The transition from a completely online setup back to a traditional setup 

  • Student wellbeing 

  • Rapport between tutors and students 

  • Exam and coursework feedback 

  • Clarity on the ramifications of Brexit 

The Game Plan 
  • I hope to put a mechanism in place that bridges the gap between a completely online setup and traditional learning to make the transition back easier. 

  • ?I will push for a blended learning approach with improved synchronous and asynchronous sessions and more lab time. This would be done in a way, so no student is at a disadvantage. 

  • I would also look into improving communication with the QMUL Mental Health Services.? 

  • Reach out to societies and plan events to help the students who haven’t been on campus interact as well as sessions that would help SBCS students improve their grades and provide opportunities to gain real-world exposure. 

  • I aim to open channels between the tutors and students, so there is increased communication from both sides and a better rapport to help guide students for their final year project. 

  • Talking to SSLC to increase the allotted amount of time for exams due to varying time zones and get more constructive feedback for coursework so students can improve. 

  • There is a lot of uncertainty around the effect of Brexit, especially with international students, and there is considerable ambiguity regarding year abroad opportunities, I will push for greater clarity on these issues. 

  • There is a lot of uncertainty around the effect of Brexit, especially with international students, and there is considerable ambiguity regarding year abroad opportunities, I will push for greater clarity on these issues.