Candidate for the position of LGBT+ Representative (Mile End)

Image for Isidora Z and Katrina Fuller

Isidora Z and Katrina Fuller



Vote Katrina & Isidora for LGBT+ Rep (Mile End) 
We want to be your next LGBT+ Rep!  


Who are we?  

I’m Katrina, 2nd year Modern Languages student in SLLF. I will be abroad for the next academic year 2021/22 but this year has proven that it’s possible to stay connected whilst apart!  

I’m Isidora, a 2nd year Biochemistry student in SBCS.  


CHEERS to a better QMUL! 


Celebrate our community: 

Let’s celebrate the diversity of the LGBT+ community by creating profiles of students and staff who identify as LGBT+ and working with VP Communities & BAME Rep. 


History Month & Pride 2022: 

We want to work with the SU, LGBTQ+ Society, the LGBT+ (BL) Rep & Trans Rep to ensure you have the best Pride & LGBT+ History Month!  



We want to raise awareness amongst staff and students about the issues faced by the LGBT+ community. 



Working closely with the LGBTQ+ Society, LGBT+ (BL) Rep & Trans Rep to organise and help run safe events for us! Anonymity is key!  


Raise awareness & fundraise: 

We want to help support the organisations that support us like Stonewall and the Albert Kennedy Trust! 


Support groups & welfare: 

Your wellbeing is a priority. We want better signposting to support services and to encourage the university to set up support groups!