Candidate for the position of MedTech - Treasurer

Image for Vasiliki Pikoula

Vasiliki Pikoula

Hello, I’m Vasiliki!

I am a third-year medical student eager to join the society to help advance its mission to promote and educate on technological innovation and advancement in healthcare.

Why me?

  • Previous experience: BL Surgical Society Conference Subcommittee (2022-23)
  • Member of the BL MedTech Society (2022-23)
  • Involvement in relevant conferences
  • Interest in the potential of data science and use of bioinformatics in healthcare


  • Help support the society’s goals and objectives.
  • Manage and organize the finances and budget- track income and expenses.
  • Apply for SU grant funding to organize events.
  • Efficiently work with other members of the committee – make sure funds are utilized effectively and responsibly.