Mile End Clubs and Societies Virtual Welcome Event

Wednesday 23 September 2020 noon - 6pm

Online -

Join the event here -

At Queen Mary, we believe that there is nothing more important than our community. No one realises this more than the leaders of our clubs and societies, big or small, new or old. This is why, amidst these times of great uncertainty brought on by the ongoing pandemic, your clubs and societies on the Mile End campus have been working tirelessly to provide you an alternative, safer way to explore and connect with the numerous student groups that we have to offer. It is with great pride, therefore, that we are finally announcing our Mile End Clubs and Societies Welcome Event, 'Off-Campus'.

Our plan is simple – on Wednesday, the 23rd of September, with the help of our Students' Union, we will be welcoming you to the event using the virtually-hosted environment of Microsoft Teams. The event is for both new and returning students. You will have an opportunity to explore the wide choice of clubs and societies on offer- find out what they do and ask those questions. The best thing about it? No part of the event will be happening physically, so you can attend and enjoy it wherever you are – on campus, off-campus, in or outside the UK.

Join the event here -

Upcoming events

Dissertation Sessions
4th April 10am - 30th July 4pm
One-to-One sessions (Academic Skills)
8th April 10am - 22nd July 4pm
Pomodoro sessions
8th April 3pm - 24th May 5pm
Graduate Centre (various rooms)
Halfway Ball 2024
26th April 6:30pm - 11:30pm
The Royal Regency
Study Café at QM Social (residents-only)
27th April 11am - 1pm
QM Social
see more events