

Be a match. Save lives. Welcome to all QMUL and BL students!

QMUL/BL Marrow is ready to start another academic year of saving lives, are you ready to join us?

What We Do

QMUL/BL Marrow works alongside the Anthony Nolan charity to help save lives of blood cancer patients by signing people onto the stem cell register.

The stem cell register contains potential donors who may be tissue matches for cancer patients in need of a stem cell transplant.

For a variety of reasons, young people like us make the best donors - with a real chance of saving a life. That's why the work we do in Marrow is so important.

As a result, our goals are:

  1. To raise awareness to the imporyance of signing onto the register.
  2. Sign students between the ages of 16-30 onto the stem cell register - it only takes 10 minutes!
  3. Fundraise for Anthony Nolan since signing people onto the register costs the charity a total of £40 per person - so we need both fundraising and donor recruitment events together.
  4. Inform! When signed up onto the register, there is a 1 in 100 chance you would ever donate.

Sign up, Save Lives.


What is Anthony Nolan Charity?

Anthony Nolan was founded in 1974 to help patients with blood cancers and other blood disorders find their perfect tissue match so that they can have a chance to have the stem cell transplant that could save their lives! The charity has over 2.1 million registered donors. Every day, 5 people start their search for a match, and Anthony Nolan helps 3 people find their match. Every day 104 people are diagnosed with blood cancer or a related blood disorder. 

What do We Plan for This Year?

Marrow has a lot planned for this year.

This year we aim to pass our total of 44 donors by organising more donor recruitment events coupled with some fun bake sales. We also plan to have more socials with some picnics and movie nights in our future. This year Marrow is also happy to announce some new intiatives, like our "Love for School" project where students can write cute cards wishing children with cancer good luck in their school year - find out more during Try Something New in Welcome Week.

Becoming a Volunteer

Helping out and giving back couldn't be easier, and here at QMUL/BL Marrow we train students throughout the academic year to help us in our mission of recruiting as many potenial donors as possible so that we can help save the lives of those suffering with blood cancer.

We need volunteers to join our society to help out at donor recruitment events and at fundraisers. Volunteering with us is amazing for your CV and LinkeIn! Throughout your volunteering experience you will improve your communication, public speaking and interpersonal skills. 

If you are interested in finding out more, please visit or our instagram: @qmulmarrow2023


Committee (2023/2024)

President: Inês (Izzie) Couto André

Vice-Presidents: Safrin Hussain and Sarah Babiker

Welfare Representative: Eylul Turkay

Treasurer: Stephanus Steven

Secretary: Sara Soltani


For any interested members: we are recruiting for a Head of Donor Recruitment, Head of Fundraising, Donor Recruitment Coordinators, Social Media Coordinators, Fundraising Coordinators, and Volunteering and Training Coordinators. If you're interested please contact our team! Being a committee members is an enriching experience with hard work, fun, and looks great in your CV.


No elections are currently running

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