Queen Mary Canadian Society


Welcome to the QMUL Canadian Society!

Created to bring together Canadians at QMUL and introduce non-Canadians to Canadian culture, the QM Canadian Society is open to everyone looking to make new friends and learn a little bit about our country and culture! 

We look forward to a super exciting inaugural year and have many fun events planned! Ranging from various kinds of socials, ice skating and winter related activites, Canadian themed karaoke, quiz nights, thanksgiving dinner, and maybe even a trip to Tim Hortons :)

To stay updated follow us on Instagram @qmcanadiansociety We look forward to seeing you all soon!

President - Oscar Kwok

Vice President - Zarwa Mashhadi

Treasurer - Zainab Shafiq

Welfare Officer - Demetrius Essaris

General Secretary - Rayyan Asif

Queen Mary Canadian Society elections 2024/2025

This is the Canadian society's elections for the academic year of 2024/2025. To be eligible to run you will need to have this year's membership and be a student next year at QMUL.

2 posts are up for election.

The polls have closed, and results have been published.

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