Thinking about running for VP Humanities and Social Sciences? Here's What You Need To Know

We caught up with Jovani, VP Humanities and Social Sciences, to tell us his thoughts on the role and running in the elections


My name is Jovani Pal Noni, I am the Vice President of Humanities and Social Sciences. I studied Accounting and Management at my time at Queen Mary. 

What led you to campaign for your position?  

I believe there were many reasons which led me to campaigning for my position, and if I was to try and mention all of them, we could be here for a long time! So, to summarise, I’d say wanting to make a change, whether that be for myself, students and the wider community. 

What are some highlights you've experienced as Exec so far? 

There’s been a lot of highlights and key moments as an Exec so far, but to name a few that come to mind; the first event we had for Islamophobia Awareness Month, being involved in the committee allowed for me to help with working with students, and for the outdoor Friday Prayer event we had over 500 students attend. My role allowed me to work effectively with students as well as the university in ensuring that the event took place and ran as smoothly as possible. We had positive feedback from a lot of different groups with students saying it was better than the previous year's outdoor Friday prayer event. Which is always amazing to hear and makes the role so much more fulfilling and satisfactory.  

What is something unexpected/surprising you've experienced about being an Exec?  

There’s a lot of aspects to this job that I knew I would go through when I first applied, so nothing has particularly surprised me per say. However, what has surprised me is that I didn’t think I was going to have as much of a chance as I do in terms of being able to develop myself mentally, professionally and more. I had an idea that I would be able to work on these things but not to this extent, so I’d say that has been unexpected. 

What's a piece of advice you'd give to someone applying for an Exec position? 

Seek as much advice as possible and look into the different roles and what they cover so you can see where your skills and mindset would be most effective and relevant with what you want to achieve. 

Summarise your Exec experience in 1 sentence 

A time where I’ve been able to realise what I’m capable of, and how I can best improve myself in all aspects related to me. 


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