Engagement Officer (BL)

Mez Hakim


About the role:

The elected officers work hard to organise events and activities, run campaigns and get feedback from students, so it’s important to get the message out to all students! This is the responsibility of the Engagement Officer, who works as part of the Operations Team with the VP Barts (Operations), to engage students in BLSA activities. You’ll also be the guardian of the BLSA brand (and you get to stick the BLSA logo on things). This is a non-representative position and does not sit on Student Council.


  • Promote events, activities and services to student
  • Liaise with the Engagement Officers, other BLSA representatives and staff to coordinate the promotion of events
  • Attend relevant meetings within the Students’ Union and the university (see list of compulsory meetings below)
  • Improve social engagement with BLSA activities throughout the year
  • Manage the @officialblsa social media accounts on Facebook, Instagram and other relevant social media accounts
  • Support representatives and officers to deliver social media campaign
  • Oversee the bartslondon.com website
  • Champion the BLSA brand


Meetings that I attend:
  • BLSA Board (2 hour meeting, six times a year)

Contact me