Sports Officer

Ava Forouzan

About the role:

Joining a sports club (we have over 60!) can be a great way to pursue passions and build strong friendships. Every year, we have thousands of new students eager to get involved and the Sports Officer plays an important role in being the voice of these students. As a Sports Officer, you will be given the opportunity to develop and approve new clubs, plan and deliver events as well as allocate funding, all while working closely with Students’ Union staff. You’d also ensure that Mile End sports clubs and the Students’ Union maintain strong communication so that everything runs smoothly!


  • Represent the interests of Mile End sports clubs and student groups and be the voice of Mile End sports club members.
  • Convene and co-ordinate with the Sports Officer (BL) and the Union’s Club Sport Committee.
  • Attend relevant meetings within the Students’ Union and the university (see list of compulsory meetings below)
  • Assist relevant members of Union staff with events, training and general support for Mile End sports clubs.
  • Encourage and aid Union communication with Mile End sports clubs
  • Be the student face of Mile End sports clubs and accessible to students with sports club inquiries
  • Actively work to develop Mile End sports clubs
  • Provide regular updates on your work to the students you represent
  • Fulfil additional duties as outlined in the Bye-Laws


Meetings that I attend:
  • Student Council (2 hour meeting, five times a year)
  • Club Sport Board(2 hour meeting, six times a year)
  • Club Sport Development Fund panel (three times a year)
  • Financial Support Fund panel (four times a year)

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