Student Trustee 3

Rahma Hegy


About the role:

The Student Trustees make up 6 of the 18 members of the Board of Trustees, who are responsible for the management, oversight, and administration of the Students’ Union. You’ll have the responsibility to ensure the Students' Union is following its legal, financial and strategic duties as a Charity, and bring your own university and Students' Union experience to the Board. This is a 2-year post (1 year if you are in your final year).


  • The governance of the Union and ensuring it meets its legal obligations
  • The budget of the Union and ensuring it meets its financial obligations
  • The strategy of the Union and ensuring it meets its developmental obligations


Meetings that I attend:
  • Board of Trustees x 4 per year (including in July)
  • Various sub-committees of the Board of Trustees (e.g. Audit and Risk Committee) - these roles are shared out amongst Board members
  • One Student Trustee is appointed to the Board of QMSU Services Limited (the Union’s wholly owned trading subsidiary)

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