Annual Student Meeting

Date: Friday 12th July 2024, 2:30pm


An additional Annual Student Meeting has been called following a successful student petition. The meeting will take place on Friday 12th July at 2:30pm, with the meeting able to run until 5:30pm. The event will be held online, so you'll be able to get involved wherever you are!

The event is your opportunity to debate and vote on a range of ideas and issues that matter to students. All students had the opportunity to submit an idea (as a motion) to be debated, and all students can join the meeting to vote. The deadline to submit a motion has now passed (Monday 1st July, 12pm)

You will need to register individually for the meeting, with one person per device for your vote to count.

The motion order during the meeting has been decided via a random ballot. The debate on motions will finish at 5:25pm. If you would like to attend but have concerns with speaking or your name being shown during the meeting, please get in touch with us.

If you have any questions about the Annual Student Meeting please contact us via social media, or send an email to

Register here

Please register with your QMUL login details (the same account details you use for QM Plus, Teams etc). You will only be able to login to Zoom and join the meeting using your QMUL account.

How the meeting works
Motions for debate:
  1. Should Students' Union incorporate Apartheid-Off-Campus Week in the Students’ Union Liberation Calendar?
  2. Should the Students' Union only sell and distribute pre-packaged drinks from local businesses?
  3. Should the Students' Union introduce mandatory Islamophobia awareness training to all Students' Union staff including Executive Officers and lobby the university to implement the training for all Queen Mary University of London (QMUL) staff?
  4. Motion wording document to follow: Should the Students' Union organise more intercultural events for university students during studies as well as after studies?
  5. Should the QMSU lobby Queen Mary University of London (QMUL) to negotiate with the QMUL Encampment for Palestine, and should the QMSU directly lobby QMUL to agree to the following demands? (Amended title 12/07/24)
  6. Should the Students' Union lobby the university to create a platform where students & staff are able to raise issues regarding security staff on campus anonymously?
  7. Should the Students' Union reform the external speakers process to be more transparent with student groups & societies about their external speakers review process?
  8. Should the Students' Union pressure Queen Mary (QMUL) to stop the Westfield Nursery closure and consider the students' voice?
  9. Should the Students' Union ensure a seamless transition for new students
How the motion order was decided
  1. All motions were numbered in the order in which they were received.
  2. The numbers were entered into the random sequence generator provided by
  3. The Secretary and Governance Officer generated the random sequence on a Teams call in the presence of the Students’ Union President and an independent witness drawn from the external members of the QMSU Board of Trustees.
  4. The draw took place at 4pm on Monday 1st July following the motion deadline the 12pm deadline and was signed off by the relevant parties prior to the full agenda being published.
  5. Any motions accepted at the Chair’s discretion after the published deadline will be added to the end of the agenda in the order in which they are received.
  6. The above process has been published on the Students’ Union website since the Annual Student Meeting was confirmed and has been communicated to all proposers and seconders.

An amendment is a change to a motion that is on the agenda for the Annual Student Meeting. The suggested changes should be substantive, and the Chair is unlikely to accept amendments that relate to spelling, grammar or style, unless the amendment would change the meaning of the motion.

Read our Amendments guide to learn more about submitting an amendment to a motion prior to the Annual Student Meeting.

Amendments Process

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Contact the Student Voice team at your Students’ Union with any questions you may have.