A statement from our President regarding the university and encampment

Watch the full video and read the full statement here

RepresentativesYour Voice

Our Students' Union president, Serena, has put out a statement regarding the encampment and recent events in Gaza. 

Watch Video

Read the statement in full:

Hi everyone, the past few weeks have been incredibly difficult with the distressing scenes from Gaza that I know many of you are scrolling through daily on your social feeds.

It's been a difficult time at Queen Mary with the university's recent emails and escalation against the encampment.

We at the Students' Union have voiced our concerns and disappointment at the university's avoidance to engage with its students. We tried to mediate between both encampment and the university and it hasn't been successful and have continuously offered to help the university understand how to communicate to its students during such a distressing time. But our offer continues to not be taken up.Leaving us, like many of you - hurt and confused by recent emails from management.

We have exhausted all spaces we can within the university and therefore, today have sent a letter to University Council.

Out of respect to council, we won’t go into detail about the contents of our letter, at this stage. But the tone, actions and impact on both you, our student community, and our broader community this university intends to represent has been flagged.

We will continue to listen, and offer our support to mediate between students and senior management. And encourage you to keep contacting us about how you are feeling, and the experience on our campuses right now.

Help & Support

If you are struggling with deadlines, apply for extenuating circumstances and get support here.

If you would like mental health and well-being support, please contact the University's Advice & Counselling Service.

If you have experienced bullying, harassment, or any other hate incidents, report it to the Queen Mary Report and Support service.


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