Study Well

Welcome to Study Well, the campaign designed to help you look after your mental health and wellbeing during the exam season. This year we will be back with petting zoos, plant giveaways, and wellbeing walks, along with many other events to help you get a break from studying and exams.

This page has lots of hints, tips and resources to help you study well and to provide guidance on where you can get support during the exam period. There will also be events taking place during the January and Summer exam periods that will be detailed on the page. Hopefully, Study Well can remind you to make sure you are taking care of your mental health, having some time for yourself, and avoiding burnout.

Whether you want to join one of the activities, use the online study resources or spend time in our spaces we will be here to help you take control of your exam period. On behalf of the Executive Officers at Queen Mary Students’ Union, I wish you the best of luck with all your coursework deadlines and exams and don’t forget to access the services and support if you need help!

Tahmid Khan (VP Welfare)

Download our Study Well guide

Study Well Features

Study Tips: From a Humanities and Social Sciences Student

Muhammad Mohib, a final year Economics and Politics student, has some study tips.

Study Tips: From a Science & Engineering Student

Fahd Pervaiz, a 3rd year PhD student at the School of Engineering and Materials Science, has some study tips.

Avoiding Academic Misconduct

Since the exams moved online a few years ago we have seen an increase in academic misconduct, find out how you can avoid academic misconduct.


Upcoming events

Dissertation Sessions
4th April 10am - 30th July 4pm
Study Well
see all events

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Contact your VP Welfare

Tahmid Khan