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Upcoming events
NSS £5 Voucher 2024 duplicate
17th February midnight - 6th June midnight
For use at - Drapers, Ground Cafe, Qmotion, The Griff, Union & Village Shops, No change can be given. Non-transferable. Can be used in conjunction with other offers. Cannot be used on tobacco, vape products or Hail Mary.
Here is your £5 NSS voucher
Donations for Bow Food Bank at the Zero Waste Shop
17th February 9am - 21st February 5:30pm
The Zero Waste & Community Shop, Mile End campus
Climate Action Week: Plant your own herbs workshop!
19th February 3pm - 4pm
Zero waste shop
Get away from the stresses of study and work and take part in this free well-being event hosted by the zero waste shop. Our university gardener Jack will help you plant your own herbs which you can take away and watch it blossom after!
Climate Action Week x Knit and Knatter: Repurposing Plastic Bags
19th February 4:30pm - 6:30pm
St Benets Chapel
Do you have lots of plastic bags flying around at home and don't know what to do with them? Bring them along to this event and breathe new life into them.
Climate Action Week Seminar: Environmental struggles in West Papua
19th February 6pm - 7pm
Explore the history of West Papua, looking at its colonial past and how it connects to present-day challenges. Discuss issues such as environmental impacts, community displacement, and the role of international companies in shaping its future.
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