We want to make writing your manifestos as easy as possible so we’ve put together some helpful tips to get you started.

How to Write a Manifesto

We want to make writing your manifestos as easy as possible so we’ve put together some helpful tips to get you started.

How do I write a manifesto?

If you’ve nominated yourself, congratulations – you’re now part of our 2024 Autumn Elections! You will be asked to write a manifesto. What this means is writing down what you would like to work on if elected into the role of your choice. It should aim to cover some of your key priorities for the year ahead and any skills or experience you would like to share with people.

This is different from the 50-word statement. The manifesto is an opportunity for students to understand why they should vote for you and what you will do if elected.

Manifesto deadline: Thursday 3 October at 12pm (midday).
Submit your manifesto
  • If you submit a manifesto, you must also submit a plain text version of your manifesto for accessibility. This should be submitted as text only and should not include any images/graphics
  • If you submit an image manifesto, it must be saved in the JPEG file format and cannot exceed one A4 page.
  • You can be as creative as you like – your manifesto can be in colour and have pictures, but it’s a good idea to keep the font simple and use colours that contrast, so it’s easy for people to read.

How do I write a manifesto?

When writing your manifesto make sure that you are speaking to a wide range of students instead of a specific group. This is because we have wide variety of students at Queen Mary.

Remember for some positions all students can vote, that includes students at Mile End but also the other campuses such as Whitechapel, Charterhouse Square and beyond. It also includes undergraduates, postgraduates, and international students!

Things to consider including:

Before you start writing down your key priorities and experience make sure to clearly state what position you are running for!

Now that we’ve done that, here are some things to consider when you write your manifesto:

A short introduction about who you are

For example:

  • What course you are on
  • Membership of clubs and societies
  • Involvement in political activities, parties and groups
  • Any other involvement in student issues/activities
  • What skills you have that you can use to help students

Who you are representing

Students’ experiences at university are incredibly diverse. Think about the community of students you are seeking to represent and the issues and improvements that might matter to them. It’s important to not just rely on your own experiences, you could ask friends for feedback or look at previous candidates or Student Council policies to understand what issues are affecting students.

What your key policies are

Deciding on a few key policies will help give students an idea of what you will do in the role. It’s a good idea to research what previous reps have worked on at Queen Mary and beyond, both for inspiration and to see what work has already been done! Also think about what would influence you to vote for someone else and be clear in explaining what you believe in and what you want to improve.

What motivated you to stand

Take some time to reflect on why you decided to stand for the role – is there a particular change you want to make? Are there skills or experiences that you think would make you a good representative? These things will help you focus in on what your priorities are.

What makes you stand out

Think about how to make your campaign memorable. Some candidates choose a slogan, hashtag, colour scheme or campaign theme. This can make it easier to create a coherent brand that is recognisable across different platforms.

What is achievable

Make sure your manifesto pledges are achievable. Simply putting a “New swimming pool on campus” might seem like a great idea but remember you will have to explain to students about how you will achieve your pledges.

Once you’ve done this it is time to submit your manifesto!

Think of eye-catching content, snappy titles and ensure your manifesto is clear and easy to read. Try and keep it concise as well – the chances are that students will not read your whole manifesto word to word, they will just look at them main points and headlines.

Use online tools such as Canva and Vista Create to create a visually eye-catching manifesto.

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