Find out all about what is a Course rep, what they do and how you can become one!

What is a Course Rep?

Course Reps represent the interests of student within their cohort. In practice, this means that Course Reps act as a liaison between staff and students. Course Reps collect feedback – formal and informal – from the students in their cohort, and the Reps feed this back to the relevant staff members.

What exactly do Course Reps do?

Course Reps are responsible for:

  • Representing the views of students at departmental committee meetings, which are between once per semester and once per month
  • Seeking the opinion of all the students on your course by holding meetings, using social media and designing surveys
  • Giving information to students through a variety of methods
  • Preparing for meetings and following up actions after meetings
  • Attending Students’ Union Forums together with the other Reps from your School or Department
  • Attending training sessions, including the introductory ‘Effective Representation' session
  • Attending Student Voice Committees

For additional responsibilities and duties, please see our Student Voice Committees page, and what our course reps do at these meetings.

All Course Reps are volunteers, and Course Reps are expected to undertake these duties alongside their studies. The expected time commitment is a couple of hours per week.

Please note that Course Reps are unable to undertake casework and advising of individual students. This includes advice about personal problems, extenuating circumstances, academic misconduct and formal complaints. If you are experiencing a personal problem, please contact Advice and Counselling. If you need advice regarding extenuating circumstances, academic misconduct and formal complaints, please contact the Academic Advice Service.

What’s the purpose of having Course Reps?

Most students have a good experience during their time at Queen Mary, but many students will also experience things that could be working better. This is where the Course Reps come in. Course Reps are recognised by the university, and they have access to meetings and key people that allow them to raise issues and suggest improvements on behalf of their cohort.

How is it decided who the Course Reps are?

The Course Reps are elected by the students they represent. Each year, the Students’ Union organises Course Rep elections. Students can put themselves forward (what we call ‘nominate’) to be a Course Rep, and the students in each cohort then cast their votes to decide which person they prefer.

Can I become a Course Rep?

Yes! Course Reps are elected annually. Most elections take place in September and October, but some courses hold elections at other times of the year.

Elections for the January 2025 intake cohorts are now open – Nominations will open on 20th January and close on Monday 27th January at Midday (12pm).

We advertise the Course Rep elections on our website, on social media and in newsletters, so keep an eye out for updates on one of those channels. You’re also welcome to contact us on to find out when the next elections will be for your cohort. If you email us, please include the full name of your course and your year of study, as this will make it easier for us to provide accurate information.

If you want to find out more about elections, you can refer to this page.


For more information, check out some of our frequently asked questions below:

Recent News

Course Rep of the month 2022/23

Tue 29 Mar 2022

Each month we award the Course Rep of the Month title to a rep from each faculty.
you can view the course rep of the month's winners here.


Contact Us

Course Reps

Contact your Students’ Union with any questions you may have.