Are you thinking about running for a position in the Course Rep elections? In that case, you are in the right place! This page will give you lots of information about the Course Rep elections, including the process, key dates and rules.

When are the Course Rep elections?

The main elections period for Course Reps is this coming September and October. These elections include most courses across all levels of study. Nominations will open on Tuesday 10th September at 12pm and close on Tuesday 1st October at 12pm. Voting will be open from Monday 7th October to Thursday 10th October at 12pm.

For courses that start in January, the main elections period is in January and February. A small number of Course Rep roles are elected in May and June – usually this elections period is only used for MBBS Course Reps.

We may hold by-elections outside of the main elections periods. This happens if we have unfilled positions after the main elections.

What do I need to do to put myself forward to be a Course Rep?

During the elections, students can put themselves forward (what we call ‘nominate’) during a set period of time. We are not able to accept late nominations, so make sure to submit your nomination before the deadline.

To submit a nomination, you need to log in to the Students’ Union website (click on the login button at the top of the screen). Once you are logged in, current elections will be displayed at the bottom of this page (under ‘Current elections’). If the Course Rep position for your course is up for election, it will appear here. Click on the position you want to nominate yourself for and follow the instructions. After you have submitted your nomination, you get an email notification that confirms your nomination. If you do not receive an email notification within 5-10 minutes, please check your spam inbox and contact us on It’s very important that you contact us in a timely manner, so please contact us immediately if you think your nomination hasn’t been submitted correctly.

When you submit your nomination, you can submit an optional photo and manifesto. We strongly recommend that you submit a photo and manifesto, as these will help students to understand why they should vote for you and set you apart from other candidates.

After nominations have closed, there will be a set voting period, where students from your cohort can vote for you. To get votes, you’ll need to speak to the students from your cohort and encourage them to vote for you. Also remember to vote for yourself!

When voting closes, the Course Rep Team will inform all candidates of the outcome of the elections. This may take a couple of days due to the high number of positions. We aim to get back to everyone as fast as possible, and we greatly appreciate your patience.

Are there any rules for elections?

Yes! Our elections need to be fair for everyone, so we have a set of rules that all candidates must follow. The rules and guidance are updated ahead of each elections period and will be published on our website.

By-Election Course Reps 24/25

The By-Election for all unfilled Undergraduate and Postgraduate Taught roles for September 2024. PGR Subject Roles, January Start and other select roles are not included. Please email if you have any questions.

268 posts are up for election.

Nominations close at 12:00 on Friday 25 October 2024 (in 2 days and 16 hours)

The polls open at 12:00 on Monday 28 October 2024 (in 5 days and 16 hours)

There are currently no Elections running

Recent News

Course Rep of the month 2022/23

Tue 29 Mar 2022

Each month we award the Course Rep of the Month title to a rep from each faculty.
you can view the course rep of the month's winners here.


Contact Us

Course Reps

Contact your Students’ Union with any questions you may have.