
What is it?

Policy is made by debating and passing a motion though Student Council, the annual student meeting or referendum. Bye-Law amendments are also proposed, debated and passed in the same way.

Policy outlines what the Students' Union’s stance on a particular issue and what actions the Students' Union should take to attempt to resolve it.

The Officer Lead is the Elected Officer who is working on the policy. You can contact them for more information or to get involved in working to achive the policy. This page will be regularly updated and Officers will report back on progress at Student Council, where you can also ask them questions about policy.

QMSU also has embedded policies, which are policies that have been active for more than two years and which Student Council has voted to make permanent. You can find these at the bottom of this page.

Policy Passed at Student Council February 2020 - Lapses February 2022:

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