To help fund your events and activities the Students’ Union has several grants and funds that can help you – click on the links below for more information.

This section outlines funding that is available exclusively for Students' Union affiliated societies based in London. For societies based in Malta please see the section for BL Malta Societies.

Start-Up Grant

If your society had less than £200 in your subs account at the beginning of the academic year, you are eligible to apply for the Start-Up Grant where you can apply for up to £50. Use this money to help promote your society and gain more members.

You are unable to use this money on:

  • Items that will only benefit yourself and/or only the committee: It should benefit the whole society
  • External website costs: You should use your subs to pay for this
  • Claiming back money you've already spent: Grants cannot be used on retrospective purchases
  • Fundraising/Charity events
  • Donations to other charities and political bodies

Here are some suggestions on what you can use the money on:

  • Society banner
  • Prizes for an event you're holding
  • Refreshments for a meet and greet event

Development Fund

This pot is open to all societies with less than £1,000 in their subs account for money that can go towards your events and activities. The aim of this fund is to help your society grow and achieve its aims and objectives: it is not there to pay for your regular activities (for example an instructor for your regular classes if you are a physical activity society).

Please make sure you read the Grant Funding Criteria and Guidance carefully before starting your application.

Timelines for 2023/24 are as follows:

Round Applications Open Applications Close Outcomes Circulated By Total Available
1 19 Aug 2024 9am, 09 Sept 2024 16 Sept 2024 £15,000
2 04 Oct 2024 9am, 21 Oct 2024 28 Oct 2024 £11,500
3 9 Dec 2024 9am, 13 Jan 2025 20 Jan 2025 £11,500
4 24 Feb 2025 9am, 17 Mar 2025 24 Mar 2025 £9,500
Society development fund guidance Example application Apply here
BL Malta Societies

The 2022-23 Malta Medical School Student Experience budget includes a €5,000 budget to support student-led societies. All affiliated BL Malta societies can apply for further funds in 2 funding rounds throughout the academic year.

The purpose of the funding is to support BL Malta societies to run activities, projects, events, or initiatives to further their aims and objectives. Applications are open to affiliated BL Malta Students’ Union societies only. As they have access to this specific fund for BL Malta societies, BL Malta societies are not eligible to apply for funding from the Societies grant funding pot in London.

BL Malta Societies Grant Funding Guidance Apply here

This section outlines funding that is available exclusively for clubs.

Subs Funding

This is a bank account managed by the Students' Union which is set up for you so that you can raise funds for your club through memberships, sponsorships etc. The purpose of this account is for the club to raise funds for itself; therefore, it is up to your club what you spend the money on.

Grant Funding

Each year, the Students' Union receives a block grant from the University. A proportion of this is made available to clubs through the Club Sport Development plan. This will be ring fenced for certain costs including facilities, affiliations, BUCS/LUSL entries, coaching, competitions, officials, equipment and transport.

Club Sport Development Fund

Queen Mary Students’ Union has set aside funds generated from the Club Sport membership that aims to enhance the student experience and create a sustainable support structure to aid the growth and development of clubs within the Students’ Union Club Sport programme. The fund aims to promote and engage students with innovative thinking. Clubs can apply for up to £500 per application to fund projects, resources and unexpected costs throughout the year. This will then be voted on by your Club Sport Board. There will be three rounds of funding each academic year.

We are currently finalising the details of this grant so please check this page later.

Financial Support Fund

This fund subsidises costs associated with sports participation for students in financial hardship. The fund aims to widen access to sport at Queen Mary and Barts and The London to students who are unable to access sport due to financial barriers, which will benefit them physically, mentally and make them more employable. There will be three rounds of funding each academic year.

We are currently finalising the details of this grant so please check this page later.

This section outlines funding that is available exclusively for volunteering groups.

Welcome Fund

Every year the Students’ Union allocates money to Volunteering Groups to help them recruit volunteers for their activities that year. Each volunteering group is provided with £40 to help set-up for the year which will need to be spent by 8th February.

Here are some suggestions on what you can use the money on:

  • Social media advertising
  • Volunteering Group banner
  • Refreshments for your first meet and greet

Development Fund

This pot is open to affiliated Volunteering Groups for money that can go towards your aims and objectives. The aim of this fund is to help your volunteering group grow and achieve its aims and objectives.

Volunteering Groups with over £1,000 in their subs account are not eligible for this funding, unless in exceptional circumstances. You can request your subs balance by e-mailing us on

Please make sure you read the Grant Funding Criteria and Guidance carefully before starting your application there is lots of information about what you are eligible to apply for and hints and tips on writing a strong application.

Timelines for 2024/25 are as follows:

Round Applications Open Applications Close Outcomes Circulated By Total Available
1 9am, Monday 19 August 2024 9am, Monday 9 September 2024 13 September 2024 £1,100
2 9am, Friday 4 October 2024 9am, Monday 21 October 2024 25 October 2024 £1,000
3 9am, Monday 24 February 2025 9am, Monday 17 March 2025 21 March 2025 £700
Grant fund guidance Apply here

In 2024-25 there will be £9,650 available for Outlets to bid for through 2 application rounds throughout the academic year. £400 will be reserved for start-up funds for any new Outlets affiliated through the year.

The purpose of the funding is to support Outlets to run activities, projects, events, or initiatives to further their aims. Applications are open to affiliated Students’ Union Outlets only.

The Grant Fund is competitive, and Outlets are encouraged, therefore, not to rely on funding from the Outlet Fund but to also consider how they can source other income for their projects/events/activities.

The rounds will take place as follows:

Round Applications Open Applications Close Outcomes Circulated By Total Available
1 20 Aug 2024 9am, 10 Sept 2024 13 Sept 2024 £4,825
2 9 Dec 2024 9am, 13 Jan 2025 20 Jan 2025 £4,825
Grant fund guidance Apply here

This section outlines funding that is available for all student groups.

Liberation Fund

If you are passionate about supporting those who face oppression and discrimination in their daily lives, the liberation fund is there to help you put on events and activities to raise awareness for these issues and to campaign against it.

Click here
Social Cohesion Project

This project uses sports to raise awareness of issues in the local community, and as a student group you can get involved.

Click here
Westfield Fund

This is a University fund for projects that are designed to enhance the student experience.

Click here
Centre for Public Engagement

If you have an idea for projects to engage the local community, the Centre for Public Engagement offers two grant pots that student groups can apply for.

Large grants: annual funding up to £10,000 with applications over the summer period. Designed for projects that show two-way engagement between the public and Queen Mary research/core activities.

Small grants: monthly funding up to £500, applications due by 15th every month. Supports activities which engage with community-based organisations and address needs identified by the local community.

Click here
Additional Funding for BLSA Groups

If you are a BLSA Group, you can also apply for further funding that is administered by the Bart and The London Student Association.

Click here

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Tue 15 Aug 2023

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